
New Chapter for UMass Chapel

A beloved university landmark is revived

Old Chapel Student Center

University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Amherst, Massachusetts

The Old Chapel at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, the University’s most recognizable building, has been transformed into a vibrant venue for campus activities and events.  Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the 1884 granite building had fallen into disrepair by the 1990’s and was shuttered. To breathe new life into the building, Finegold Alexander developed a program for two multi-functional spaces to foster student collaboration and to host major events including lectures, banquets and theatrical productions. To ensure the preservation of historic fabric, all new systems were woven into the existing building fabric and a new subgrade mechanical vault was located adjacent to the building. An elegant glass pavilion and terrace provide universal access for the UMass community and signify a new entrance to the Old Chapel.

(Photo credit: Robert Benson Photography)

15,000 SF
Historic Preservation, Renovation, Addition
Multi-Purpose Room, Great Hall, Catering Kitchen, Meeting Room
LEED Gold Certified
2017 Victorian Society in America Commendation Award
2017 Engineering News Record, Best Restoration, Renovation
2017 Massachusetts Historic Commission, Preservation Awards
2017 SCUP Award, Design Excellence, Renovation, Restoration
2019 Boston Society of Architects, William D. Smith Memorial Award for Accessible Design
In the news
Project EUI
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“The interpretation of the building, its purpose and its function, and its overwhelming positive contribution to life and learning on our campus cannot be overstated.”
Chancellor Kumble R. Subbaswamy

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The total interior renovation of this historic building included roof restoration and insulation at the walls based on dewpoint and WUFI analysis. Designed to achieve a 21% energy savings over Code, with a focus on energy recovery, the project achieved LEED Gold. Finegold Alexander worked with ARUP to locate and design an underground utility vault outside of the building footprint, enabling the use of the ground floor for program space and preserving the open green above.

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"The requests [to use] the space have been overwhelming — and that doesn’t even include student requests. We have received about 175 requests for the academic year so far this summer, and we expect student requests to increase as soon as they arrive on campus."
Melissa Cleary, Manager, UMASS Old Chapel

Webflow Before & After Images

Building an image comparison section in Webflow doesn't need to be difficult, and it shouldn't cost you time or money. Here's a simple solution, we built ontop of the awesome js work from @pehaa

Before & After Images

*Update January 2023
We made fixes to all mobile and safari browsers and you should no longer experience issues with those. Thanks!

Building an image comparison section in Webflow doesn't need to be difficult, and it shouldn't cost you time or money...

Here's a simple solution, we built ontop of the awesome js work from @pehaa.

We've tried to make this really accessible for all users, so what's important here is <Image Wrapper> and the two images inside of it, namely <Image One> and of course <Image Two>. We recommend you size your two images the same, although it will work regardless.

Use <Image Wrapper> to set your maximum width, and copy the code from page settings. That's it, when you publish the page the magic will happen.

Learn more about the sliders JS from @pehaa

View the guide on
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