
Saving the Globe

Many hands make the relocation of a 25 ton globe light work

Kerry Murphy Healey Park

Babson College
Wellesley, Massachusetts

Celebrating their centennial year in 2019, Babson College commissioned the build of a new park and the restoration of the Babson Globe. Originally created by the school’s founder Roger Babson, the Globe measures 28 feet in diameter and weighed 25 tons. At its dedication, the Globe was the largest of its kind in the world and drew tens of thousands of visitors to campus each year. Unfortunately, the Globe fell into disrepair and was in poor condition before the 2018 renovations. A team of consultants and engineers worked to restore the Globe to its natural glory. With students from over 80 countries and alumni residing in more than 114 countries, the Babson Globe and the Foundation of Flags at Kerry Murphy Healey Park pay homage to Babson’s global community and the College’s commitment to educating entrepreneurs worldwide. Finegold Alexander Architects was proud to help bring this vision to life, placing the Globe and Foundation of Flags at the center of Kerry Murphy Healey Park designed by STIMSON landscape architects. The park also includes a flag walk, history markers, and seating areas throughout for students, faculty, and community members to engage in and be inspired by these worldly features.

(Photo credit: Raj Das Photography)

43,000 SF Park, 28’ diameter and 25 ton Globe
Restoration & Relocation
Restoration and relocation of Globe; Installation of new water and electric connection; Flag relocation and installation; Installation of new 1500 square-foot bunker located 10 feet below ground surface to house the mechanics
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The iconic World Globe and associated Fountain of Flags pays homage to the college’s diverse student body and the school’s commitment to global impact as well as the internationalization and expansion of Babson through efforts including the Global Scholars Program, and Babson Connect: Worldwide.

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Construction of Kerry Murphy Healey Park included two transfers of the Babson Globe, a 25-ton plaster sphere. Crews originally moved the Globe from its original home to Trim parking lot, where it was stored while construction of its’ new foundation and bunker was taking place at the Park. Upon completion of the bunker, the Globe was transferred once again to Kerry Murphy Healey Park, where it now rotates proudly for all to see. Additionally, part of the project included the painting of the globe, pictures provided by Studio Fresh. As noted on their website, "Over the course of 2 months we [Studio Fresh] traced out our map, rendered the land masses and ocean features before labeling every country, major waterway and mountain range on the map." Find their video of the Globe's rotation time-lapsed, here!

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Finegold Alexander was tasked with managing and designing the project, requiring the coordinated relocating of the 25-ton, 28-foot sculpture along with the planning and design of the new Kerry Murphy Healey Park.

Webflow Before & After Images

Building an image comparison section in Webflow doesn't need to be difficult, and it shouldn't cost you time or money. Here's a simple solution, we built ontop of the awesome js work from @pehaa

Before & After Images

*Update January 2023
We made fixes to all mobile and safari browsers and you should no longer experience issues with those. Thanks!

Building an image comparison section in Webflow doesn't need to be difficult, and it shouldn't cost you time or money...

Here's a simple solution, we built ontop of the awesome js work from @pehaa.

We've tried to make this really accessible for all users, so what's important here is <Image Wrapper> and the two images inside of it, namely <Image One> and of course <Image Two>. We recommend you size your two images the same, although it will work regardless.

Use <Image Wrapper> to set your maximum width, and copy the code from page settings. That's it, when you publish the page the magic will happen.

Learn more about the sliders JS from @pehaa

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