
Finegold Alexander Principals Rebecca Berry, AIA and Ellen Anselone, AIA Featured in Boston Globe

The Boston Globe explores gender parity in the architecture, design, and development fields, including commentary from Finegold Alexander leaders.

Headshot of Ellen Anselone and Rebecca Berry
March 27, 2023
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As we close out Women’s History Month, it is only fitting to address women’s representation in the A/E/C industry.  Finegold Alexander Architects principals Rebecca Berry and Ellen Anselone provided their insight in the Boston Globe article “The push for women in architecture is building momentum” by Cameron Sperance. As an SDO-certified WBE firm, we value and support the women in our office and understand the impact they make in the field of architecture. In the article, Rebecca Berry highlights the disparity between the number of women attending architecture and design school versus the number of women actively working in the field. She suggests the use of flexible work schedules and environments can be a useful tool in retaining women in the A/E/C industry. Principal Ellen Anselone also comments on this pattern as she has witnessed a handful of great designers drop off in the past because they wanted to pursue a family and found that there was not enough flexibility to juggle both a career and a family.

There is still a long way to go for women to be included in all levels of architecture, design and development. Finegold Alexander strives to positively impact our community and continue to find ways to support the growth of women and of all our team members.  

Click here to read the full Boston Globe article!