
Finegold Alexander Celebrates Library Lovers’ Day

Libraries hold a special place in our hearts, especially for Senior Associate Josephine Penta, as she continues to transform Amherst’s community home, Jones Library.

Library Lovers' Day Graphic

Q: What do you find unique about library projects? How do they differ from developer or higher education projects?

J: I think the client type and program requirements are the most unique elements of library design. Working through programming of a library isin some ways like solving a puzzle. There are a lot of considerations that need to take place during this process and a lot of communication with the client. We do in fact build strong relationships with Library Directors as a result and not only does that help with project development but also makes it fun!


Q: What have been some highlights during the design process of Jones Library?

J: There have been many! It’s great to see this project moving forward. Having worked through the first round of programming and drawing development years ago, I’m glad to be part of the team moving it forward.  The library came to us with a strong set of sustainability goals for this project and this has been a great thing to witness but also very exciting to be a part of and looking forward to the challenges ahead.


Q: Have you noticed a change in design approach, or project elements, in recent years with the increase in technology/internet?

J: Yes, things are always changing with technology but most recently in the last few years is the consideration required for remote meetings and collaboration since everyone works differently now than they did a few years ago. This can have quite an impact during the design process from program requirements to acoustical considerations and many more.


Q: Finally, what do you love most about libraries and library projects?

J: One of the greatest parts probably takes place after completion. We are building these spaces to better serve communities so hearing how much more activity is taking place at the library once the project is complete is rewarding.