
True Family Homes in South Boston’s City Point Neighborhood

Community engagement and a transparent design process results in three-bedroom units that preserve open space

Residences at 945 East Broadway

Client - New Boston Ventures
South Boston, Massachusetts

Prominently located within a block of Pleasure Bay in South Boston, 945 East Broadway is one of the largest development parcels in an area known for its elegant homes and diverse community. The combined buildings provide 10 condominiums distributed across two “sister mansions.” The architecture blends into the historic neighborhood with clapboard siding, expansive windows, decks, dormers and patios. The vision—to reduce density, preserve open space, provide discrete parking, and protect the historic character of the community—is realized sensitivity and elegance.

(Photo credit: Jane Messinger Photography)

21,000 SF
New Construction
Condominium Residences
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"By building eight three-bedroom units, we were able to offer a development that was responsive to the community’s needs by reducing the unit count and density of the site while also providing true family homes that we thought buyers would love.”
David Goldman, New Boston Ventures

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The two buildings were sited to preserve the most open space on the site while creating buffers to neighboring properties. Accessibility was provided through a sloped sidewalk along the existing high slope at the front of the property.

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The City Point neighborhood has experienced a significant rise in popularity due to its neighborhood feel and close proximity to area beaches and parks, as well as its convenient access to downtown Boston.

Webflow Before & After Images

Building an image comparison section in Webflow doesn't need to be difficult, and it shouldn't cost you time or money. Here's a simple solution, we built ontop of the awesome js work from @pehaa

Before & After Images

*Update January 2023
We made fixes to all mobile and safari browsers and you should no longer experience issues with those. Thanks!

Building an image comparison section in Webflow doesn't need to be difficult, and it shouldn't cost you time or money...

Here's a simple solution, we built ontop of the awesome js work from @pehaa.

We've tried to make this really accessible for all users, so what's important here is <Image Wrapper> and the two images inside of it, namely <Image One> and of course <Image Two>. We recommend you size your two images the same, although it will work regardless.

Use <Image Wrapper> to set your maximum width, and copy the code from page settings. That's it, when you publish the page the magic will happen.

Learn more about the sliders JS from @pehaa

View the guide on
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