
Kilachand Honors College: Knowledge. Humanity. Community.

A Boston University landmark is restored and reimagined for today’s students

Kilachand Residence Hall

Boston University
Boston, Massachusetts

Many years in the making, Finegold Alexander designed the renovation and reconstruction of Kilachand Hall, home to BU’s Kilachand Honors College. Program goals included the creation of flexible, fully accessible student gathering spaces and seminar and group study rooms to serve the students in this diverse living-learning community with its challenging, interdisciplinary curriculum. These program areas were to be located at the top of the building – completely reconstructing and adding to the existing ninth floor lounge areas. Working collaboratively with Stefura Associates, finishes and furnishings enhance and accommodate many learning and study modes. To accomplish the creation of these spaces, Finegold Alexander designed a new internal egress stair and elevators to service the increased occupant load of the ninth floor, enable the removal of exterior fire escapes – achieving significant life safety upgrades. The building’s masonry exterior was completely restored, and accessible sleeping rooms and bathrooms created in the area of the stair insertion at the intermediate floors. The reconstruction of the 9th floor’s systems and envelope were designed to perform beyond energy code requirements, and the project has submitted for LEED Gold certification. The full demolition and redesign of the ninth floor—with its breathtaking Charles River and Boston skyline views—creates a welcome sanctuary with a supportive, communal atmosphere for the hardworking residents of Kilachand Hall.

114,649 SF
Occupied Renovation, Addition, Envelope Restoration
Gathering and Co-Curricular spaces. Seminar Room and Individual and Group Study spaces. Accessible Residence Hall sleeping rooms and bathrooms.
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In the news
Project EUI
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The Kilachand Hall renovation represents a significant achievement in enhancing the living and learning environment for the Kilachand Honors College community. This project has been many years in the making, and we are honored to have worked with Boston University and our project partners in the creation of this welcoming, accessible, and vibrant space for the benefit of todays and future students.
     -- Rebecca Berry, President & Principal
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The East wing includes a fully glazed seminar room with areas of openable wall. When not used for teaching and collaboration by the Honors College, all residents can use the space for study.

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It’s definitely a big improvement. It used to feel like one big room, and now there are different corners and areas where you can establish a study spot and stay there a while, which I really like. You used to not be able to see the view because the windows were dirty, now you get a full view of the city; it’s motivating when I study. I think I’ll be going back to Kilachand a lot more to study this year.
       -- Maya Santow, Boston University Student

Webflow Before & After Images

Building an image comparison section in Webflow doesn't need to be difficult, and it shouldn't cost you time or money. Here's a simple solution, we built ontop of the awesome js work from @pehaa

Before & After Images

*Update January 2023
We made fixes to all mobile and safari browsers and you should no longer experience issues with those. Thanks!

Building an image comparison section in Webflow doesn't need to be difficult, and it shouldn't cost you time or money...

Here's a simple solution, we built ontop of the awesome js work from @pehaa.

We've tried to make this really accessible for all users, so what's important here is <Image Wrapper> and the two images inside of it, namely <Image One> and of course <Image Two>. We recommend you size your two images the same, although it will work regardless.

Use <Image Wrapper> to set your maximum width, and copy the code from page settings. That's it, when you publish the page the magic will happen.

Learn more about the sliders JS from @pehaa

View the guide on
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